Collection: Chemical storage

Chemicals should be stored in the workplace in a safe, practical manner and in accordance with country-specific requirements. In Finland, the storage and handling of chemicals is regulated by the Chemicals Act and the occupational safety of personnel is regulated by the Occupational Safety Act. These oblige the professional to store chemicals taking into account the hazards of each type of chemical and to ensure occupational safety.

31 products

Safe storage for chemicals

The handling of hazardous substances is subject to stringent regulations – for good reason. Therefore, we support you with a wide range of products for safe storage of sensitive hazardous materials, regardless of whether they are in a liquid, solid or gaseous form.

Different chemicals set different requirements for cabinets

We committed to deliver tailored solutions that meet your individual requirements for the substances to be stored, e.g. ignitable, toxic, corrosive, water-pollutant - to ensure process-optimised storage of hazardous substances for research, development and production.

Roughly generalised: flammables are fire-separated, acids and bases are separated and poisons are locked away. In addition, consideration should be given to any other chemicals that need to be kept separate (Guide:Tukes - Handling and storage of dangerous chemicals). In storage facilities, it is important to pay particular attention to adequate ventilation, the correct capacity of drainage basins and earthing. We are happy to help you choose the right storage solutions.